What to expect from smol 2.0

John Nunley · August 22, 2023

The tree of robust software must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of breaking changes. smol is no exception.

smol version 1.0 was originally released on September 7th, 2020. Since then, we’ve seen almost thirty new minor version bumps of Rust and a small handful of ecosystem changes. Some of these changes are so important that it necessitates changes to the way that smol is built.

In addition to hype building, the purpose of this blog post is to outline the changes that will be coming in smol v2.0. If you are a smol user, you should be ready for these changes when they come. The smol-rs team is planning on releasing smol v2.0 in the near future, although we don’t have a concrete date yet.

I/O Safety

Rust v1.63 was released with a new landmark feature: I/O safety. Prior to I/O safety, I/O resources were handled by passing around raw file descriptors and hoping that they were valid file resources. Here’s how a safe interface to the read syscall would be defined without I/O safety.

fn read(fd: RawFd, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize>;

In theory, this all works out fine. In practice, it is very possible for the file descriptor to be taken out from under you, through other threads or processes. Being ready for this essentially makes it impossible to write safe code that uses I/O resources.

I/O safety fixes this by assigning a lifetime to the file descriptor and guaranteeing that the underlying I/O resource will be valid for that lifetime. This shifts the burden of keeping those resources alive onto the borrow checker. The above function would be rewritten as follows:

fn read(fd: BorrowedFd<'_>, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize>;

I/O safety is very important to smol. In order to handle async I/O, I/O resources are registered into a global reactor. It is possible for the resources to be deallocated while they are still in this global reactor, which can lead to missing or spurious events. Now that we can assign a lifetime to the file descriptor before we register it into the reactor, this isn’t a problem anymore. smol v2.0 will have its Async type take AsFd types instead of AsRawFd.

This new advantage comes with a catch. Previously, Async allowed for easy &mut access to the inner I/O resource. However, this isn’t allowed now, as it is possible to move out and then drop the underlying I/O resource while it is still registered into the reactor, which voids the entire point. Therefore mutable access through methods like get_mut, readable_with_mut or writable_with_mut are now unsafe, with the condition that the user is not allowed to move out or drop the underlying file descriptor.

Unfortunately this change is very harsh and will likely break a lot of code in the wild. I’ve seen many real-world use cases use readable_with_mut for efficiently polling some I/O resource. Not to mention, the only real fix that can be done while still ensuring I/O safety holds is to use interior mutability, which is a code smell.

In any case, it is recommended for users of async-io, especially ones that implement async wrappers around I/O resources like inotify, to expect this change and start thinking about how the architecture should be changed.

See this pull request for polling for more information on why this was done and how it was considered.

async-channel and async-lock !Unpin Futures

Previously, async-channel and async-lock (aka smol::channel and smol::lock) had several methods that returned Unpin futures. These futures can be polled without pinning them to the stack or heap. Once smol v2.0 releases, these futures will now be !Unpin.

I expect this to have a low impact on your average bear, as most of the time these futures are immediately .awaited, which doesn’t care about Unpin at all. However I am aware of some use cases that rely on the Unpin-ness of these futures. Fortunately this breakage can be ameliorated in the short term by just Box::pinning the future and polling it from there.

The reason for this change is that it allows the async primitives underlying these libraries to be implemented in a much more efficient way. These libraries work by storing waiters- tasks waiting for the channel to receive a value or the Mutex to unlock- in a linked list. Previously, this linked list used a strategy where every node in the list was heap allocated. Now, these nodes use stack storage when possible, which avoids allocations on the heap.

This optimization is a massive win for performance, doubling it in some cases. However, this strategy requires that the futures be !Unpin, as the stack storage cannot be moved without invalidating every other node in the linked list.

async-channel and async-lock on no_std

Previously, async-channel and async-lock were only available for platforms with std enabled. This is because they internally made use of std::sync::Mutex for synchronization. Once smol v2.0 released, these crates can now be used on no_std platforms.

All features from these crates should still be available on no_std platform, except for blocking methods (like send_blocking). The main drawback is that both of these crates still require a global allocator, which probably can’t be removed until allocator_api is stabilized. So unfortunately it probably won’t be used on embedded systems any time soon.

Once again this win comes from the underlying event notification primitive. The previous implementation used an std::sync::Mutex to synchronize the state of the inner linked list of wakers. Although the std implementation still uses this mutex, no_std uses another strategy. The state is protected by a spinlock, but put away your blogpost links for now. Only a limited amount of spinning is allowed, and it falls back to a fully atomic queue after the spinlock fails too many times. This strategy was based on analysis that the spinlock is the most efficient strategy for low contention, and the atomic queue can act as a fallback for when the contention is high.

However, the no_std strategy is significantly slower than the std strategy. Therefore users should use the std strategy whenever possible. Users of these crates should consider exposing an std default feature in turn that allows for users to opt-out of using std for no_std applications.

Although this win and the previous one were developed over a long series of pull requests, this one is the most relevant.

futures-lite now re-exports ready and pending from libstd

When futures-lite was originally written, ready and pending were not available on libstd yet. However, as of Rust v1.63, they can be imported from core::future. Therefore, futures-lite will now re-export these functions from core::future instead of defining them itself.

This is a small but significant win, as it represents less functionality needed on the part of futures-lite. However, our v1.63 MSRV stops us from re-exporting poll_fn as well, which was introduced in v1.64.

See this PR for more information.

ESP-IDF Support

Thanks to Ivan Markov, the underlying machinery of smol now has better support for ESP-IDF. This is a big win for the embedded community, as it allows for smol to be used on embedded systems that use ESP-IDF.

We now have a new logo! The old smol logo was a smol, cute orange tabby cat. To represent the new capabilities that smol has for version 2.0, we’ve decided to change the logo into a cyborg cat!

new logo

Thanks to NebulousStar on X for drawing this!

…and much more!

There are a handful of other minor, non-breaking changes as well. This includes the task system now having a metadata slot available, and the async-executor crate using thread-local queue optimizations. These changes are not as important as the ones listed above, but they are still worth mentioning.

I’ll have a more complete changelog once the release actually takes out. Until then, you would be well advised to start thinking about how these changes will affect your code.

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